I was a member of the Hot Nozzle Society from when it was first founded (sometime in 2021?) until May 2023! My roles during my time with the org included: Range Safety Officer, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) co-lead along with fellow space nerd Anthony Razo, Finance Chair, and whatever else needed doing! I also helped write this HPR (high-powered rocketry) guide, and these blog posts for Women’s History Month!

I had the pleasure of attending the first 3 summer events organized by HNS: “Hot Nozzle Summer” (2021), HNS II: Rocket Rodeo (2022), and HNS III: Nozzleween (2023)!

I have lots more to write about HNS but for now I’ll leave you with these group photos!!

Hot Nozzle Society


MIT Rocket Team


SCRWDRVR: Mixed Drink Machine